Recipe makes pempek Palembang typical Indonesian food

Palembang is one of the cities in Indonesia. if you visit Palembang for a tour then you'll find the typical food of Palembang society that is pempek.

Pempek made from corn starch with mackerel as a mixture to make pempek. because with the mackerel so make pempek Palembang very savory and tasty to eat.

besides it's savory sauce should be added a special characteristic that makes this meal complete taste. These foods are not only there in Palembang, many vendors have been marketing food in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta.

well if you've been to Indonesia or even to the city of Palembang as the hometown of this food and never tried a taste for this food, I have a recipe how to make it, okay let's look at the recipe and how to make pempek palembang
Recipe makes pempek Palembang typical Indonesian food

Ingredients :
600 gr mackerel
300 gr white sago
3/4 cup water
Salt to taste

How to make :
Remove and clean the fish on the scales and entrails.
Split into 2 parts and clean the bones also center
Clean the fish bones are a little small as he scraped with a fork
After the skin is clean fish, mashed fish meat,
Combine the water, salt and delicate meat until blended
Enter sago flour and mix to taste. When stirring sago flour, put little by little and taste as if most pempek generated will be stretchy and hard.
Form the dough into a ball and then steamed in large quantities of water
After that hinga fried lightly browned.
In the presentation you can add vinegar and yellow noodles noodles or glass noodles

So please try the recipes that I have provided may be useful, I'll see you in a typical article recipes tastier infonesia more